If you have found Snapchat hard to use you’re not alone. In fact, difficulty of use has been a leading complaint from Snapchat users. And the complaint isn’t unfounded. Snap had to include a manual for using Snapchat in its IPO filing, a strong indicator that it’s not...
It can be disappointing when you’ve set up your social media profiles, and posted consistently, and still aren’t seeing your following growing. Did you know that social posts need to be optimized for you to both reach new audiences and engage existing followers? Each...
The Call to Action button is the most important part of your website. It directs users, getting them to take a desired action. That action could be email subscriptions, sales, or sign-ups. Call to action buttons increase user interaction while achieving business...
Somewhere in your childhood you probably heard the phrase “curiosity killed the cat.” It’s usually meant to encourage you to have more patience. However, the part of the phrase they left out was “but satisfaction brought it back.” They say that anticipation can bring...
Pics or it didn’t happen might be a popular meme, but it’s also the mantra of the social networking age. In the 21st century social media updates have become the records of our existence, and sharing is caring. Consumers are more likely to purchase from brands that...