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Are We Going to Achieve Our Business Goals this Year?

by Bailey Ray
  |  August 20, 2020  |  
August 20, 2020

achieve our business goals

Birthdays have been canceled, vacations have been moved, and your business had to throw out the marketing playbook in 2020. From Business to business, we’re all in the same boat, and we’re all struggling to find the next “big idea” that will help us achieve our business goals year after year.

Are We Going to Achieve Our Business Goals this Year? | Questions you should be asking yourself to plan for next year.

The End of a Plan Isn’t the End of the World

In case you haven’t kept up with us, Vende Digital recently went through a name change (You can read about that herculean task here). It was a big lift, but we found ourselves with a little time on our hands when our first plan for 2020 got thrown out, and we aren’t the type to sit idle for long. We don’t think your business should either. 

You may have gone through a round of layoffs or been privy to a couple of months of uncertainty surrounding your role at work, but now is the time to make significant changes to how you want to end this year. Where your business ends up doesn’t have to be a byproduct of the lowest points because when the world changes, we adapt!

How do we adapt to achieve our business goals?

Businesses are scrambling, but you don’t have to be one of them. Here are 15 Important Small Business Trends We’ll See By The End of 2020. These are the perfect inspiration to find what you want to pivot to in response to changing times.

Your adaptation might not be a total rebrand. Quite frankly, we don’t recommend diving into that without careful planning (Trust us, we’re just trying to protect your SEO!). But we have resources that can help you identify what is essential to your business. 

Explore our Resources:

Focus on what you can do—not what you can’t. Anyone with the time should read this Forbes article about 3 small businesses that successfully pivoted during the outbreak of COVID-19 and are either making product offerings work on the side, or considering a whole new revenue stream for the long-haul. 

Still feeling lost? Let’s chat about your options with a hassle-free consultation

What do my customers need right now?

From restaurant takeout to community food trucks, the food industry isn’t the only business area in need. What everyone needs is a healthy dose of ordinary. What’s more normal than planning for the future? 

Your customers are interested in companies that further their aspirational goals. The best way to visualize this is picturing how some of your favorite companies and products made you feel the first time you sought them out. We all want to be part of something unique and greater than ourselves. This is the question you should seek to answer in everything you do.

So, how do we achieve our business goals together?

We can achieve our business goals with careful planning and research that actually matters to your customers. All those virtual ‘butts in seats’ are looking for an opportunity that cuts through the noise and doesn’t overwhelm them further, so let’s make it easy to do business with you online.

We offer strategic planning, training, and execution support for companies wanting to take their digital lead generation to the next level. If you are interested in learning more, sign up for a complimentary initial consultation/discovery meeting. Schedule yours today, and let’s see if we can help.

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