What are ABM Surrounds and Why Are They Important?

by Bailey Ray
  |  March 17, 2021  |  
March 17, 2021

ABM Surrounds

Are you looking to build business momentum? The quickest path to recovery is more sales. B2B digital marketing has a fast track record for generating targeted awareness and attracting qualified prospects. Find ways to boost sales with an ABM surround system.

Collaborate with Your Sales Team to Prioritize Accounts

All ABM (account-based marketing) journeys differ in some way. Whatever your experience with account-based marketing, you will be learning to prioritize the right accounts to maximize the most from the budget and generate more revenue. ABM’s advantage is its laser focus, which allows you to focus only on a high-value account for the client.

You want to consider an AMB surround in particular if:

  • You’re not generating enough leads for your pipeline
  • You feel like you’re wasting money on marketing and ads that aren’t producing
  • You’re struggling to stay top-of-mind with your most important prospects
  • You think you might be the best-kept secret in town

If you’re facing any of these challenges, having an ABM surround will likely be a good solution. As marketers, we can’t control when a prospect is ready to buy. We have to be there when they’re ready, whenever and wherever that occurs. An ABM surround can ensure you’re ready when your prospect is in search mode and changes to become a ‘now’ buyer. It can help ensure they know your benefits while deciding on you versus the competition.

Check out our on-demand webcast on ABM + Demand Generation for insider expertise on this subject.

Puffer Fish Strategy

Sometimes, marketers refer to ABM surrounds as the pufferfish strategy. Whatever you call it, it’s a marketing technique that makes companies appear larger than they are. You don’t need global reach or multiple locations to succeed.

You don’t look bigger to the entire world but more prominent to the prospects you’re trying to crack. To those accounts, you’ll look like the biggest fish in town.

What is an ABM Surround?

An ABM surround is a digital marketing strategy that serves your targeted accounts relevant materials online. The goal of an ABM surround is to surround a very narrow audience with your brand ‘s message so that when they are ready to buy, they already know the problems you can solve. The sales team then has a better chance to close more deals.

Deploy ABM Surround Strategy

Marketers can deliver ABM programs through various channels like display, native, and video advertising. While not all methods may lead directly to your web pages, they will engage audiences with your brand. Ads should be customized to meet your business goals and organizational needs. To implement an ABM surround strategy, you’ll need four main components.

Target account list

You might not have a thousand logos you’re trying to crack this year. Still, you have a particular industry, business size, and type of role or function within those businesses that make up your account list. Identify the companies you want on your radar for your campaign and in your pipeline.

Multiple channels

You can’t rely on just one strategy, like being a one-trick pony, and expect website visitors. For instance, using only Google AdWords or Pay-Per-Click isn’t enough. While effective, they are costly as solo tactics. It’s essential to engage your audience across multiple channels.


Most B2B companies only spend their advertising dollars at the bottom of the funnel, thinking this is cost-effective. To be successful, employ a full-funnel targeted advertising approach, including display advertising. When investing in full-funnel, you will get a better conversion rate from the right accounts.

Variety of assets

Create multiple high-value assets to engage your audience. By developing marketing materials, you boost chances for visits and interactions on your website. Focus on creating engaging ads that highlight the solutions you provide for the market.

Marketing Automation Platforms

These platforms assist in monitoring and interacting with your key accounts and valuable contacts. They allow for personalized messaging, campaign automation, and tracking engagement across various channels. Target active companies with your mid-funnel ads.

ABM Surround Full-funnel for Target Accounts

Once you understand the key components for installing your ABM surround strategy, focus on the campaign tactics. All tactics must work together for optimal results.

Full-funnel tactics fall into three sections:

  • Awareness and discovery
  • Evaluation and interest
  • Commitment and decision


Here, you’re trying to educate your audience on your existence. These elements can include social selling, display advertising, and SEO. After all, a specific company logo might not know you exist or have the systems or solutions to solve their business problem.


Now that your prospects know who you are start providing more content about your business in your campaign. Create a system of operations to move people through the pipeline that includes calling prospects, intent-based lead generation, and marketing automation.


Once you identify the decision-makers and reach a closing point, it’s time for sales to excel. The final stage is sales enablement, ensuring sales has what they need to succeed. Equip the sales team with relevant assets for the accounts. This is your secret weapon for success.

ABM Surround Strategy

Top B2Bs use at least three channels and 15 touchpoints per campaign for each prospect. We need to consider this multi-channel, full-funnel strategy when developing an ABM approach.

If you’re ready to put your ABM surround into motion, here are some items you can start right away as part of your program. Aim to put systems in place to update, scale and develop them regularly:


Blogging is a critical way to communicate your point of view to your buyers and how you can help them solve problems. At a minimum, you need to be blogging twice a month.


Infographics – Infographics are incredibly valuable to buyers. Infographics take lots of words and condense them down into images so that your buyer can quickly skim the points you’re trying to make.


This is engaging media that captivates your audience. Creating engaging videos drives traffic to your website, educates your audience, and gives your sales team a valuable tool for engagement.

Drip and nurture emails

Many B2B companies have thousands of emails in their lists but fail to regularly email their customers. It’s crucial to email prospects in your target accounts daily. Instead of emailing every customer daily, target different segments of your list throughout the week based on their funnel stage. Personalized emails can significantly impact.

Case studies

Prospects need to hear success stories, and case studies demonstrate how you’ve solved similar problems for other customers around the world, in specific locations or virtually. This gives your prospects a better understanding of how you can solve problems for them.

At Vende Digital, generating revenue and growing your business is our business. Let us help connect you to your next customer. Contact us today to schedule a complimentary Discovery Meeting where we’ll provide you with fresh ideas and actionable insights.

Key Takeaways

  • ABM Surround boosts B2B relationships and growth.
  • It prepares your business for when prospects become active buyers.
  • Key elements of ABM surround strategy: targeted account list, diverse channels, full-funnel/intent focus, and varied assets.
  • ABM surround can make your business appear larger to your target customer.
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