Stand Out or Blend In? How You Can Make LinkedIn Content That’s Impossible to Ignore

by Paul Slack
  |  August 31, 2023  |  
August 31, 2023

Building a B2B LinkedIn Content Strategy | Stand Out or Blend In? How You Can Make LinkedIn Content That’s Impossible to Ignore | Vende Digital

Crafting a successful B2B LinkedIn content strategy isn’t just about posting content. In the bustling landscape of LinkedIn, standing out is no small feat. You’re not just competing for attention but vying for meaningful engagement. What if there was a method to catch your audience’s eye and deliver value they can’t ignore?

The key to a successful B2B LinkedIn content strategy is understanding how to format and structure your posts. This means optimizing for how people scroll and skim on social media. You want your posts to stand out visually on the feed and pull readers in with compelling hooks and actionable value.

Dive in as we unravel proven tactics to transform your LinkedIn posts into compelling narratives that resonate, engage, and leave a lasting impact.

We recently had Ryan Musselman as a guest speaker on our Demand Gen Jam Session, who took a deep dive into this topic. Be sure to check out the replay for more helpful tips!

What should B2B companies post on LinkedIn?
For B2B companies on LinkedIn, posts should address audience needs through industry insights, actionable tips, case studies, and “How-to” posts. Social posts should tie back to the company’s broader content strategy and align with overarching content pillars to ensure the audience understands what you do and how you can help them.

Start with Your Content Strategy

Before diving into the nuances of a successful B2B LinkedIn content strategy, remember that your LinkedIn posts should support your broader content marketing plan. This starts with identifying your audience and core content pillars based on their needs.

From there, develop comprehensive, long-form pillar content that lives on your website. Then, atomize and repurpose key concepts from that content into formats optimized for LinkedIn.Your LinkedIn content will then become a satellite that supports and amplifies essential messages you want your audience to know. Remember, marketing is an exercise in memorization. You must remain consistent in your messaging so your audience will understand how you can help them.

One Audience – One Message – One Solution

In an age where countless pieces of bland, boring, and self-centered content inundate our feeds, crafting messages that capture attention and deeply resonate with the reader is vital to a clear B2B LinkedIn content strategy.

One Audience – Tailor your content to a specific audience to address their concerns. The specificity makes readers from your target audience feel you wrote the post just for them. This is a key part of personalization and establishing trust.

One Message – Your message should be crisp, clear, and instantly understandable. Avoid jargon or overly complex language. You want your content to grab the reader’s attention immediately. The faster a reader can connect with your content, the better.

One Solution – Content that provides actionable steps or advice is exponentially more valuable than content that merely informs. Readers should be able to take the information you provide and put it into action immediately. Write each post about one major problem that keeps your audience up at night, and what is one primary desire they want to achieve when they overcome this problem?

By embracing this approach, you stand out and position yourself as a trusted authority. One Audience, One Message, One Solution. This is the trifecta for successful LinkedIn posting.

Craft Attention-Grabbing Headlines

A cornerstone of your B2B LinkedIn content strategy should be to create headlines that stop the reader from scrolling. Your headline is the first and possibly only thing your audience sees in their feed. You have milliseconds to capture their interest before they continue scrolling. Here are some tips for writing headlines optimized for social media:

Use Numbers and Lists – Headlines incorporating numbers or lists can immediately grab attention. For example:

  • 7 Proven Ways to Grow Your LinkedIn Following
  • The Top 5 LinkedIn Post Formats for 2022
  • 3 Common LinkedIn Content Mistakes to Avoid

Numbers signal to readers that they are about to get a helpful list of advice. This creates built-in intrigue and curiosity to keep reading.

Use Superlatives Followed by FoMo – Superlatives such as “the BEST,” “the WORST,” “the BIGGEST,” and “the MOST IMPORTANT” are potent attention magnets in LinkedIn headlines. Their allure becomes even more compelling when paired with a touch of FoMO (Fear of Missing Out).

Line 1: Here’s the biggest mistake even seasoned digital marketers make:
Line 2: (Do this and you’ll miss out on capturing the most qualified leads)

The first line ignites curiosity, while the second stirs a sense of urgency and loss aversion. The combination will get them hooked to find out what’s next.

Ask Questions – Questions in headlines spark interest by tapping into problems and pain points readers may be experiencing. It invites them into the post to find a solution.

  • Struggling With LinkedIn Engagement? Here’s How to Turn Things Around
  • Is Your LinkedIn Content Getting Ignored?

Speak Directly to Your Audience – Calling out your audience and using “you” and “your” makes readers feel like you’re speaking directly to them. This helps establish a connection and makes them more receptive to your advice.

  • Attention B2B Marketers! Boost Your LinkedIn Engagement With These 7 Tips
  • Struggling to Stand Out on LinkedIn? Here are 5 Fixes You Can Make Today

Keep Headlines Short, Scannable, and Benefit-Focused – Long headlines don’t work well on LinkedIn, where people quickly skim posts. Keep your headlines under 60 characters when possible. Make them easy to digest at a glance while conveying the benefit of reading more.

  • Lengthy: The Most Up-to-Date Strategies and Best Practices for Optimizing Your Approach to Content Creation and Engagement on LinkedIn in 2022
  • Optimized: Boost LinkedIn Engagement With These 7 Content Tips

The second headline is more scannable, focused on the benefit, and optimized for social media.

Format Posts to Enhance Readability

Fantastic! You’ve crafted a killer headline that got them to stop scrolling. But a cluttered wall of text will promptly lead to readers heading for the hills. Formatting is king on LinkedIn. Strategic formatting is crucial for readability and keeping attention.

Use Short Paragraphs and Lists – Break up any large blocks of text into short paragraphs and lists. Big chunks of text are difficult to digest on small smartphone screens. Short paragraphs create a whitespace to rest the eyes. Lists make the post more scannable and approachable.

Incorporate Visual Media – Photos, graphics, and video bring posts to life. They break up the text, add color, and deliver information visually. Research shows posts with visuals receive more likes and comments. But ensure images are relevant, not just random stock photos.

This lets readers quickly consume your content, even with short attention spans. High-quality images, infographics, and videos make your posts stand out and convey complex information efficiently. By catering to diverse content consumption preferences, multimedia elements boost engagement rates, ensuring your message resonates and is remembered.

Vary Line Length – Consider using a cascading or waterfall format where line length varies gradually down the post. This immediately draws the eye down the page naturally, versus intimidating walls of text.

Open Strong and Keep It Scannable – Your headline reeled them in; now your opening lines need to deliver. Put your most important info right up front. Remember, on social media, you have 1-2 sentences to capture attention before they disengage.

Focus your opening lines on:

  • Establishing the core problem/opportunity
  • Quickly confirming the post will provide a solution
  • Hinting at the value, the reader will get out of the content

After your opening, use formatting and scannable content to develop your key points:

  • Use subheaders to introduce each new point
  • Keep paragraphs short (2-4 lines)
  • Include numbered lists and bullet points
  • Use bolding and italics to highlight key phrases

Leverage the “Before & After” or “Wrong Way/Right Way” Approach – Showing a poor example contrasted with an improved example is highly engaging on LinkedIn, warning people what not to do and demonstrating a better approach to keep attention.

This technique works well for:

  • Challenging norms
  • Mistakes to avoid
  • Bad examples vs. good examples
  • Common problems + how to fix them
  • Ineffective vs. effective approaches

Visually calling out the contrast makes information more digestible while keeping the reader hooked as you move from problem to solution.

Using Emojis and Special Characters in B2B LinkedIn Posts – One strategy to increase visibility and engagement is incorporating emojis and special characters.

Special Characters: These add visual prominence to your posts. Consider the following:

→ Arrows: Great for drawing attention to links or critical points.
☞ Pointing fingers: A more direct way to guide your audience’s gaze.
★ Stars: Useful for highlighting standout information or achievements.
✔ Checkmarks: Indicate actionable steps or completed tasks.

Emojis: For B2B marketers, certain emojis can enhance post-engagement without sacrificing professionalism:

📈 – Showcase growth or data-driven insights.
📊 – Share statistics or reports.
🖋️ – Highlight content creation.
📘 – Introduce guides or resources.
📌 – Stress importance.
💼 – Discuss business-related topics.
🗓️ – Announce upcoming events or webinars.
📞 – Invite audiences to calls or discussions.
🌐 – Emphasize global outreach or online strategies.
💡 – Share valuable ideas or insights.
🤝 – Celebrate partnerships or collaborations.
🎯 – Set or discuss goals.
🚀 – Announce launches or new beginnings.
💬 – Encourage communication or feedback.
🔗 – Talk about networking or linking opportunities.

While these characters and emojis can be a great addition to your B2B LinkedIn content strategy, moderation is key. Ensure they fit your brand’s voice and tone, and always prioritize clear and valuable content over aesthetics. Overdoing it might make your content seem cluttered or less professional. Keep your audience in mind and use these tools to emphasize, not overshadow, your main message.

Close With a Clear Call-to-Action – Don’t miss the opportunity to include a strong CTA at the end of your post that translates interest into action. Add value, then guide your audience where you want them to go next.

  • Pose a thought-provoking question to spark discussion.
  • Redirect visitors to your website, community, or resource for more details.

Transform One Concept into Five Impactful Posts

B2B marketers always tell me how hard it is to develop fresh content tied to their B2B LinkedIn content strategy. One trick is to adapt one central idea into multiple post formats. Doing so can create a week’s worth of content that resonates with your audience.

Here’s a breakdown of how to stretch one concept across five distinct post templates:

Post 1: The Positive Frame Post – Start with content that encourages and motivates.

  • Post Idea: “5 Proven Strategies to Level Up Your LinkedIn Content”

Post 2: The Negative Frame Post – It’s not about being pessimistic but about highlighting pitfalls to avoid. This contrasts with your positive post and provides a comprehensive view.

  • Post Idea: “5 Common Mistakes That Could Derail Your LinkedIn Content”

Post 3: The “How You” Post – This format is instructive and offers actionable advice to your audience.

  • Post Idea: “How You Can Get Your LinkedIn Content Stand Out”

Post 4: The “How I/We” Post – Share your personal experiences or methods. It adds credibility and humanizes you, making your content more relatable.

  • Post Idea: “How I Successfully Leverage LinkedIn to Generate Pipeline”

Post 5: The Story Post – Narratives are powerful. They foster a deep connection between the writer and reader, mainly when they revolve around real-life experiences.

  • “I Used to Think LinkedIn Was a Waste of Time, and Now I don’t. Here’s Why.”

This approach will ensure consistency, efficiency, and variety without killing you or your team.

Stand Out With Value-Driven LinkedIn Content

An effective B2B LinkedIn content strategy requires understanding your audience and what value they are looking for. Craft content specifically designed to capture attention and deliver real help to your customers.

Consistently publishing valuable, engaging content establishes trust and positions your company as a trustworthy resource for your audience. If you provide consistent value, you will never blend in.

Key Takeaways to Build Better LinkedIn Posts That Stand Out

  1. Strategic Foundations Matter: All LinkedIn content should align with and support your primary content marketing strategy. Identify your audience and ensure posts reflect their needs and resonate with core content pillars.
  2. Simplicity and Focus: For impactful LinkedIn content, remember the mantra: One Audience, One Message, One Solution. Tailored content builds trust, clear messaging captures attention, and actionable solutions provide real value.
  3. Crafting the Perfect Headline: Your headline is a gateway to engagement. It should be concise, attention-grabbing, and benefit-focused. Use numbers, ask questions, and speak directly to your audience for the best results.
  4. Prioritize Readability and Format: Avoid text walls with strategic formatting. Use short paragraphs, visual media, varied line lengths, and scannable content techniques. Start strong and maintain reader interest throughout.
  5. Harness the Power of Contrast: The “Before & After” or “Wrong Way/Right Way” approach is engaging, highlighting problems, and then offering solutions.
  6. Effective CTAs: End your posts with a clear Call-to-Action, directing the reader toward the next steps, be it further reading, discussions, or other relevant actions.
  7. Maximize Content Potential: Extend the life of a single content idea by adapting it into various post formats, ensuring consistent messaging across multiple posts while reducing the content creation burden.
  8. Value is Key: Offering genuine value through your content is paramount. Understanding and consistently addressing your audience’s needs positions you as a trustworthy and invaluable resource.

How Can We Help?

Navigating the intricate maze of LinkedIn content marketing can often be daunting, but with our seasoned expertise, it doesn’t have to be. We pride ourselves on crafting strategies that resonate, creating content that captivates, and driving engagements that convert. From profile optimization and compelling narratives to insightful analytics and engagement techniques, we’ve mastered the art of standing out on LinkedIn. If you’re looking to elevate your LinkedIn presence and truly connect with your B2B audience, we can help. Schedule a one-on-one strategy session with us, and let’s chart the course to unparalleled engagement and success.

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