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5 Tips For B2B Video Marketing

by Paul Slack
  |  February 26, 2020  |  
February 26, 2020

Various video equipment items and computers showing video | B2B Video Marketing

It’s easy to see why video is one of the easiest types of content to consume. With 500 million people daily viewing videos on Facebook and 10 billion on Snapchat, video content is particularly important to your social marketing strategy. If you want to make your video marketing as successful as possible, follow these 5 tips for getting started with B2B video marketing.

5 Tips for B2B Video Marketing

Video isn’t just a part of your marketing strategy; video is essential to your marketing strategy. In fact, video is the preferred content buyers want to see from the brands and businesses they support, and branded video content is the most memorable type of branded content.

Set Video Marketing Goals

Before you even start filming, it’s essential to set marketing goals for your video. These goals will guide the types of videos you create, where you post them, and what outcome you want from them. B2B video marketing goals should be specific, achievable, and trackable. Not sure if B2B is ready for video? Check out our blog on B2B Video Marketing to learn how it can make a difference this year.

If you want consistent growth from your video marketing efforts, you’ll need to find out what works for your audience and then recreate it in future videos. Just as important as finding out what works for your audience, you’ll also want to find out what doesn’t work, and make sure that you don’t include that in future videos. Post your videos across your social channels, tracking their progress to determine where your videos perform best. Once you know which channels are the best performing for your videos, you’ll be able to put forth more time and energy into videos specifically for that channel.

Determine The Type of Video Content You Will Create

The second step, before you actually start creating videos, is determining what type, or types, of videos to create. Most marketing videos fall into one of three categories: educational, inspirational, or entertaining. Educational videos answer a question from your audience, take the pain out of a complex topic, build trust, and encourage your audience to find out more. Inspirational videos are motivating and may feature breathtaking views or inspiring moments that encourage your audience to take action. Finally, entertaining videos are looking to get a reaction, making your audience laugh or smile. Remember that humor can go a long way. Don’t be afraid to introduce a little comedy; your audience wants to laugh and feel enlightened at the same time. You can still include a call to action that encourages viewers to interact with your business further. Use feedback in the form of comments and metrics to see what types of video content your audience wants to see.

What is B2B video marketing?

B2B video marketing is about educating, inspiring, or entertaining your audience through visual content, providing information about the products or services you offer, and alleviating confusion.  

Start Filming

With all the planning steps finished, you’re ready to start creating B2B marketing videos, and if you have a smartphone, you have all the required equipment. You can invest in better video equipment down the road or even a professional videographer, but for just getting started, a smartphone will do the trick. Your content will get better with time and practice, but it’s better to start than to keep waiting for the perfect moment.

Don’t Forget About SEO

Once you film your B2B video and post it, your work still isn’t finished. SEO is incredibly important to a successful video marketing strategy. You might already be familiar with SEO for your website, and luckily SEO for video content is similar. Always tag your videos with the appropriate keywords and accurately explain your video in the description. Balance storytelling with SEO, utilizing engaging titles and clear descriptions that incorporate the keywords you want to be found in search.

Promote Your Videos

The last step for getting started with B2B video marketing is remembering to use ads. If you’re posting a video on Facebook, you can easily target users based on age, gender, location, or interest, and you can even know what your typical daily reach will be. LinkedIn and Instagram are two other social channels that will also allow you to promote your videos. Pay attention to what platforms work best for your video content and promote videos on those channels.

B2B video marketing is about more than just increasing engagement or heightening brand awareness. Video is a versatile tool that can be used throughout the entire customer buying journey. Use video first to connect and convert prospects and then to support and delight customers. Focus on creating a story with your B2B video marketing, concentrating on the value you are offering to your customers.

Vende Digital is ready to help you develop winning online solutions. As a full-service B2B digital agency, growing your business is our business. Contact us to schedule your complimentary 1-on-1 planning session.

Key Takeaways

  • Video is essential to your B2B marketing strategy.
  • B2B video marketing is about educating, inspiring, or entertaining your audience through visual content.
  • B2B video is a versatile tool that can be used throughout the entire customer buying journey.
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