21 B2B Digital Marketing Trends in 2021

by Paul Slack
  |  October 1, 2020  |  
October 1, 2020

digital trends for 2021

Discover the top B2B digital marketing trends for 2021 and how to pick the best ones for your business in this helpful guide.

21 B2B Digital Marketing Trends in 2021

Forget 2020. CMOs are optimistic about a recovery in 2021; however, budgets will be tight. In 2021, you’ll need to focus on cost-effective ways to get in front of more opportunities. 

According to Gartner’s Annual CMO Survey for 2020-2021: 

  • Producing Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) & Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs) are at the top of their priority list
  • Budgets will shift largely away from traditional advertising/marketing to digital marketing 
  • CMOs believe that digital advertising/marketing is a key tool to help build a post-Covid recovery

digital trends for 2021

Generating more leads and sales in 2021

Most B2Bs will be looking for new ways to grow sales in 2021. Unfortunately, we can’t control when prospects are ready to buy. As a B2B marketer, your job is to make sure that when a qualified prospect is ready to buy, they think of your company first. That’s where marketing comes in. Good marketing is always an exercise in memorization. In 2021, you will need to focus on getting as many potential customers as possible to:

  • Know your company exists
  • Understand what problems you can solve 
  • Know how to take the next step

Digital marketing will enable you to accomplish these goals more effectively and much quicker than any other form of marketing in 2021.

21 Digital Marketing Trends Report For 2021

We are on a mission to help as many B2B Companies generate more leads and sales in 2021. That’s why we have produced this 20 page guide. It will help you discover trends that are working now for companies like yours.

21 B2B Digital Marketing Trends in 2021 cover

We are excited to announce that our new digital marketing trends report for 2021 has just been released. Anticipating digital marketing trends and shifts will be more challenging in 2021 due to reduced and shifting budgets. As we know, trends are just that, trends. It may be difficult to decipher what is new, what is relevant, and what is fading. 

At Vende Digital, we work hard to stay ahead of trends and have curated this list of the top 21 trends for 2021. For you as a business leader, including some or all of these trends in your marketing mix will set your organization up for success.  

As a business leader, including some or all of these trends in your marketing mix will set your organization up for success.  

Picking The Best B2B Digital Marketing Trends for Your Business

We have broken this year’s digital marketing trends down by stages of the demand generation funnel to help you connect the dots between your needs and the best tactics that might help. 

demand marketing funnel

The key to picking the most impactful trends for your business is to see which trends can fill  existing gaps you might have within the following demand generation funnel:   

  • Awareness & Discovery – Goal: To be discovered by your target audience, reinforce the problems you can solve, and drive qualified traffic to your website. Ask yourself:
    • Do you have a top of the funnel problem? Do you need more traffic? Do you feel like you are the best-kept secret in your industry?
  • Evaluation & Interest – Goal: To generate qualified leads by educating/informing prospects and getting them to opt-in to your marketing communications.  Ask yourself:
    • Do you have plenty of traffic but can’t seem to convert visitors into leads?
  • Commitment & Decision – Goal: To close more business by aiding the sales process. Ask yourself:
    • Are you struggling to generate opportunities/appointments for your sales team? Does your sales team have the tools to win more business?

Featured Trends

Here is a partial list of trends that will be covered in the report:

  • Social/Digital Selling
  • Account-Based Marketing Surrounds
  • Video Marketing
  • Interactive Quizzes and Assessments
  • Podcasting
  • Technical SEO
  • Digital Advertising Trends
  • Employee Amplification/Advocacy
  • Much, much more!

Be sure to opt-in today, and we’ll email the report to you. 

Getting Ready for 2021

If you’re stressed out trying to stay up-to-date figuring out what marketing tactics will actually work to produce revenue for your business, Vende Digital can help. We are here to provide a team of passionate, seasoned B2B digital marketing experts who understand how to drive business revenue through sales-enabling, lead-centric digital strategies.

2021 will be a year of recovery for most B2Bs. Your goal should be to pick a few of the 21 digital marketing trends that fill gaps and create new opportunities for your company to connect and engage your customer.  By following these marketing trends, you will keep up with the ever-evolving world of B2B digital marketing.

If you are not sure where to start, schedule a complimentary planning meeting with Vende. We will take a look at your environment and make recommendations based on your current situation. We have the expertise and support you need to drive real ROI, giving you the confidence and the data needed to prove marketing’s impact on your company’s growth goals. 

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B2B Topics

Demand Generation

AI for Marketing

Content Marketing

Analytics & Attribution


Social Marketing

Online Advertising

Digital Strategy

Email Marketing

Marketing Automation

Paid Social

PPC / SEM Marketing

Website UX